Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow Day in Philadelphia

It's been too long since we published a post, so I decided to hop on the computer and share what is going on in our world. Early Saturday morning the snow started falling here in Philadelphia. From our living room window it looked like we were trapped inside of a whirling snow globe. The Snow was light like powder, fluttering in all directions. It was warm and cozy in our small apartment and we were lucky to both be able to be home to enjoy the day together. We can't wait to visit all of our family and friends in the southeast this week. Rosco may be sad though. He appears to be in love with the snow. He pounces around like a puppy when he gets out in it....wallowing around and kicking his feet. Truly adorable. I wish I could give him fun in the snow all year long....but not really. I am ready for tropical weather.